Mars retrograde has been roughest for these 4 signs

3 min readDec 19, 2022


These signs have been going through it this retrograde.

No one likes Mars retrograde. We all feel a little bit… bleh. Unmotivated, sleepy, and a little confused. Mars retrograde is basically telling us to slow the f down and rethink our next move. If you’ve noticed this energy, you’ve probably found it a bit harder to move forward with any sort of project or goal you’re working on. There’s just a ton of friction. However, a few signs might be feeling it a bit more than most (check your rising sign):


Surprised? Probably not. This mars retrograde is happening in your first house of self, identity, and ego. And that area is not a fun place to be feeling unmotivated or confused. Don’t worry, once Mars goes direct on January 12th, you’ll definitely get a huge burst of inspiration and more self-confidence. For now, hang tight.


Cancer, Mars has been hanging out in your 12th house, which rules over all things hidden. This can mean things like spirituality, endings, isolation, and mental health. With Mars retrograde here, you might have been feeling confused in any or all of these areas. You might be feeling like you aren’t able to progress as much as you’d like in your mental health or personal growth. Use this time to think about any missed steps in your spiritual journey. Once Mars goes direct on January 12th, you’ll know exactly where to put your next foot forward.


Mars retrograde has been especially difficult for you, Aries, because Mars rules over your zodiac sign. You might be feeling like you just can’t direct your energy as well as you’d like. You might also be having some communication issues, and you could be a little quick to anger lately. Right now, don’t force anything with other people–you might not be thinking as clearly and could step on a few toes. Take this time to rethink how you communicate with others and whether it’s serving you. Once Mars goes direct, things will go a lot more smoothly for you.


Scorpio, this Mars retrograde might be turning up your intensity a notch. You’re realizing a lot of hidden truths that you didn’t see before, and these probably have to do with other people. It can also have to do with finances, sex, or toxic behavior patterns. And this news might not be super welcome to you. Try to control any rage you might be feeling. Now is not the time to take action in these areas. Once Mars goes direct, you’ll have a clearer head and know exactly how to handle these issues.

Keep in mind…

It’s important to remember that Mars rx isn’t supposed to hurt us. When we move in one direction for too long, sometimes we get blind spots. Mars retrograde is there to help us see what those are in order to make our next moves more calculated. Good luck!




Writer. Astrologer. Too many things in the brain, so I put them on paper.